Attendance Phone Nexus A Step in the business Google Mobile Devices

The news that states that currently Google is trying to develop a project to produce the devices and the latest technology is not a mere empty pepesan. In fact, if Google is rumored to have recently been successfully developed a new device for the first time.
Although only a concept of its mobile lab, but it seems the seriousness of Google to create new breakthroughs in the field of business for this scale have received increasing attention from the public world. And from what will be produced later, which will surely enhance Google's business in the eyes of the world.
Accordingly, Google reportedly has plans to produce and market their own mobile devices directly to consumers in 2010. In this case Google does not walk alone, but will hold the wireless carrier as a strategic marketing move.
Mobile devices currently in development Google today is what he called the Nexus. This device itself is made by device maker HTC smartphone and will run on Android operating system's raksaksa Google search.
As planned, the Nexus will be marketed online and mobile services will also be marketed separately. Google's breakthrough that made this a challenge for wireless operators like Sprint and Verizon, and device makers such as Apple's smartphone. This marks a new era for Google itself because it will market directly to consumers.
Let me, however, Google's Android mobile device has been seized attention in the mobile device industry lately. While Motorola and Sony Ericsson prefer to start with their newest top model.
There are also observers predict that what Google will do is to gain access to valuable consumer data that can be used to sell advertising at premium prices, not to make money from selling hardware directly, as companies like Nokia or Research in Motion do.
Places research firm IDC also estimates that the market share for the Android software will rise to 5.4% from 4.2% in July to September in Western Europe as a key area of ​​marketing.
Smartphone manufacturer HTC as the world number 4 which is based in Taiwan was not yet willing to comment in this regard. Similarly with Google. And since what does Google is an internal project, to get feedback and improve the quality of these new devices, so far the Google still seems to share with employees all over the world.

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