Google Invests U.S. $ 168 Million Build Solar

WASHINGTON - MICOM: Google has invested U.S. $ 168 million to help complete construction of one power center of the world's largest solar power
Mojave Desert in California.

Power plant, being built by BrightSource Energy, will generate 392 gross megawatts (MW) of clean solar energy when completed in 2013, enough electricity to supply 85,000 homes per year.

Director of 'green business operations' Google Rick Needham said, the investment makes business sense and will help ensure that one of the projects the world's largest solar energy has been completed.

Department of Energy (DoE), the United States said it has finalized $ 1.6 billion for loan guarantees to support the Ivanpah Solar Energy Generating System.

Ivanpah Project Power Tower will have a height of 450 feet (137 meters) when completed and will be using more than 173,000 dual-mirror heliostats.

The project was built by U.S. engineering giant Bechtel and construction began in October 2010.



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