Prepare a 23 inch Lenovo Tablet

Tablet 23 inches made ​​by Lenovo
Now the computer vendors do not be shy again follow Apple's success with the iPad, a tablet computer by launching various versions of them.

Even this year, Lenovo plans to launch a tablet-sized 'giant', ie, tablet computers with screens of 23 inches.

The news was immediately announced by William Cai, Lenovo's Senior Marketing Specialist while attending a dialogue in the arena Gadget Show Live. "We hope that these tablets could be launched later this year," Cai said, as quoted by Epoch news.

This step is of course quite surprising, because consumers usually give priority to aspects of mobility and portability to a tablet computer. However, Lenovo is very optimistic that the market will respond well.

"We think the tablet measuring 23 inches have the potential," said Cai. He admitted, perhaps this tablet is not very mobile. However, he said, these tablets can be useful when used in the rooms of the house.

Moreover, Cai explained, this tablet can be used using the keypad, or as well as television. "Or you can also put it on the table to play games with your family," said Cai.

Of course, Cai acknowledged the challenges faced in developing a tablet 'bongsor' this.

For example, large size, of course will cause a wasteful use of battery and weight of the tablet seeking not to get too heavy.

Moreover, the price of a touch screen of the course will definitely make it a very expensive tablet.



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